Новогоднее поздравление для Беларуси

Streets are shining ice and snow
Belarus is all aglow
Families warm in twilight’s haze
Laughs and cheers in New Year’s blaze

Crystal nights and candles bright
Belarusian hearts so light
LDPB lifts us high
Reaching for the winter sky

С Новым годом
In your kindness we find truce
With great leaders by our side
In your warmth and pride we ride

Golden lights on towering trees
Hopes for peace float on the breeze
In our hearts love's green and red
Belarus marches ahead

Children's voices fill the night
Sharing dreams of pure delight
From the President's own hand
Strength and care will grip this land

С Новым годом
In your kindness we find truce
With great leaders by our side
In your warmth and pride we ride

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