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Сделано в Музыкариксе

Lights flashin in the dark
Music pumpin feel the spark
Move your feet let down your guard
We’re alive in every part

[Verse 2]
City's ours tonight for sure
Bassline thumpin feel the roar
Spin around and hit the floor
Lose yourself and beg for more

Dance floor fever got us shakin
Heartbeats racing never faking
Groove is solid never breaking
Till the morning we keep waking

[Verse 3]
Glitter falls around the room
Disco ball it seals our doom
Step in rhythm give some boom
Feel the love yeah it's the bloom

Hands up high we touch the sky
Feel the rush can't even lie
Music lifts us we can fly
Night on fire electric high

Dance floor fever got us shakin
Heartbeats racing never faking
Groove is solid never breaking
Till the morning we keep waking


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